September 10 Workday

With limited time before the Fall Meet, everyone at the work day was committed to getting this section of track rebuilt and graveled. Although we were all tired, at the end of the day we completed this project and the track is ready for the meet.

September 1 Workday

In Preparation for the September 3rd work day, a few members went to the track to start on a track replacement project. This section of track, on the first curve of the upperloop, had very worn rail and even older ties. The 60 feet of track before this section were replaced before the Spring 2016 Meet.

The second part of the work day was spent dismantling all the older track panels from the area pictured above and some additional panels that were taken up from the storage yard project last month.

August 13 Workday

With the 2016 Fall Meet only 5 weeks away, everyone is trying to finish up all the small track projects we have started this summer. We were finally able to ballast the storage tracks in the yard next to the storage sheds. We did not have time to level them as of yet but plan to do so in the next few weeks. This yard is now 1000% better then its condition just a few months ago.

After the Fall Meet, work will begin on the tracks on the other side of the trees in the yard.

August 6 RunDay

The run day started off very hot and several rain showers passed threw the area.

As the afternoon went on, several members were able to get out and enjoy the track.

July 30 Workday

Over the last two months, MSLS members Bill Gardei and Michael Haywood have been working on the storage yard tracks next to the sheds. The picture below was taken in late June 2016 after the two outer tracks had been repaired.

Since the weather was mild yesterday, they were able to complete work on two more tracks.

In the next few weeks, gravel will be put down and all the tracks leveled.

You will also notice that the 2x storage tracks that were closest to the trees have been removed. As the trees have grown up, the roots have pushed those tracks to high up to be used safety.  The remaining tracks will be spaced out a little more to allow easier walking between each line.

There are 2 more storage tracks on the right side of these trees that will be repaired sometime after the Fall Meet.



July 2 Workday

Normally during the summer months, work days are limited to light maintenance, mainly due to the heat and humidity here in Tennessee. July work days are very rare but an exception had to be made this year.

Sadly, in the photo below, you can see the vandalism that occurred at the facility.

The word was quickly put out to club members of the damage to the caboose. A team was organized to come out and restore the caboose back to its former glory. 

We are very thankful to all the members who came out to the track and helped with this project.

May Projects

With the 50th Anniversary over, a few members got together this weekend to take care of some small projects still on the to-do list.

The switch leading into Conners Siding had some drainage issues that were repaired in February. It was also planned to install new ties in the switch due to the water damage, just time ran out before the Spring Meet.

Also today, the crew repaired, leveled, and re-graveled the Electric Locomotive Yard. There are four tracks in this area and three were completed today. The 4th one will be worked on in the coming weeks. Due to the large trees in that area, the first photo shows more area but has a shadow over most of the yard.

Spring Meet 2016

The 2016 Spring Meet Celebrating the clubs 50th Anniversary was a huge success.

Photos of the meet have been posted on this site and more will be added in the coming weeks.

The Few Remaining 50th Anniversary Shirts are available for purchase in the store.

In Addition to those Photos, With the help of several members loaning me their family photo albums, I have also posted the following images.

2001 Mini Meet -  6 New Photos               2000 Mini Meet - 20 New Photos

1998 Fall Meet - 57 New Photos                2001 Spring Meet - 33 New Photos

2000 Spring Meet  - 24 New Photos         1989 Spring Meet  - 28 New Photos

1988 Spring Meet - 9 New Photos              1987 Spring Meet - 6 New Photos

March 19 Workday

Continuing the work from the March 5th workday, the track going under the Upperloop Bridge has been replaced. 

Last week, a few members started repairs on the Gaddes Diesel Yard. This is the large yard located just before the street crossing. There are several sections were the ties were very damaged or nonexistent. While this repair is not complete, major progress has been made.

March 5 Workday

Our first official work day of 2016 had a great turnout and beautiful weather.

As mentioned in the "February Projects" blog post, this section of track from under the Upper Loop Bridge to the bridge pictured below was scheduled to be replaced within the next year.  Since the initial repair went so well, the work crew went ahead and replaced the remaining sections of track in this area. The aluminium outer rail in this curve was showing extreme wear so it was replaced with steel rail.

Another section that incurred damage during the winter is the Upperloop Mainline as you make your way to the tunnel. This area has also had issues with sediment runoff from the higher ground nearby that was causing the track to be buried in dirt and wash away all gravel. The crew worked very hard to remove all the extra dirt and establish a level area for the new track to be installed.

Special Thanks to D.Blackburn for taking these Photos for the Website.

February Projects

Last month, the park had an outside contractor install some additional water lines in the park. During this construction, some damage to the Upper Loop mainline did occur in a few places.

Since the weather was very nice this weekend, a few of us went to the track in a effort to repair one of these areas.

You can see the deformation in the aluminium rail above in the two images. The section of track, just after the Upper Loop Bridge was scheduled to be replaced within the next year or so. 

New Rail and Ties have been installed in the damaged section. This spring, the area will be leveled and graveled over to complete the project.

Just before Conners Siding, there was a small area that had washed out under this switch. When this occurred is not known, but must have been after the Winter Meet in October. A couple pieces of PVC pipe and the washout was corrected. This spring, the gravel crew will revisit this area to clean the switch and replace some of the fill used .

January Projects

Since there was one nice day of warm weather in Tennessee this week, one of the projects we had on the to do list got completed.

This Bridge, located just after the diamond, has been in its current location for at least 15+ years. As you can see, the original track ties on the bridge are falling apart and have moved from their original location.


Aug/Sept Workday Updates

With the 2015 Fall Meet only 3 weekends away, a lot of work is being done to get the facilities ready. Over the last few workdays and weekends, several track maintenance projects have been completed and some are still in the works.

The follow photos and projects have been completed over the last month or so.

Upper Loop track (From Triple Bridge going toward High Bridge) getting some new plastic and wood ties. Photo Taken during repairs. 

Upper Loop track (From Triple Bridge going toward High Bridge) getting some new plastic and wood ties. Photo Taken after project completed before new ballast is put down.

Photo taken before repairs. This section of track is just before the Lower Loop covered bridge. This section of track sits under some very large trees which causes ties to degrade quicker then other areas of the layout.

This Photo was taken as the repairs were underway. All the ties from the switch to the Lower Loop Covered Bridge have been replaced ( All track shown in the before image of this section )

Currently, work is being done to replace the ties on the Upper Loop section just before the high bridge. The ties marked in orange were in very bad shape so the entire section is being replaced. There is also some heat expansion issues to correct.

All the old ties have been removed from this section and ready for a new set of plastic and wood ties. This section of track is also located under some large trees, which causes the ties to deteriorate more rapidly then other areas. This section's repairs should be completed next work day. 

New Speakers are being installed at the passenger station. The original speakers have begun to fail or not function properly. It is hoped we can have all the new ones installed by the Fall 2012 meet.


Lost Station

Before Sudberry Station was built in 1999, every passenger had to wait in line at Conners Station. Passenger lines got so long on Saturday and Sunday Afternoons, the line would reach over 200 feet long with over 150 people.  Getting passengers on an off trains was another challenge since they had to walk over the tracks and near moving trains to board and unload.

Temporary fencing was put every meet and by Sunday it was falling over and half broken. Never doubt the strength of a small child wanting to get closer to the trains.

Since all passengers got to the station by going threw the road crossing, car traffic was a issue compounded by limited parking in that area next to Conners Station.


Today, Conners Siding, named after one of the original members of the club, Bill Conner, is a quiet area of the track where many members like to park their equipment. The large shade trees and close road access make it a great spot to tailgate, watch the trains, and enjoy the great views of the park, which is only appropriate as Bill actually enjoyed watching his trains run more than running them himself.

Night Run - August 2015

Saturday, August 1, 2015

The day started out hot and humid at 95 degrees on this 3rd annual Night Run Day at MSLS.

As dusk fell, the temperature fell to mid 70s, it was a great time to take a trip around the track.

Everyone had a wonderful time catching up with fellow club members and enjoying the club facilities until almost 10:00 pm.

Looking forward to seeing everyone again at the next few work days and the 2015 Fall Meet!

Station Cleaning

During the last few weekends, a small project has been underway to clean Sudberry station. Over the last 16 years of service, the station platform had built up some dirt and grime. The top four images were taken at the half way point in cleaning. There is a huge difference after being cleaned with a pressure washer. There is still some minor work to be done over the next few work days. Speakers are being replaced for the public address system and paint touch-up in a few locations. 

Before Cleaning 2015

After Cleaning 2015

Missing Plants

During the rebuild of this website, I have looked at many years of photographs in a short time frame. In doing so, you can notice small details that have long been forgotten. 

Did you know from Spring 2007 until Summer 2008, there was a triangle of bushes planted between the lower and upper loop of the track? The poor plants had an encounter with the lawn mower sometime in 2008 and their placement has long been forgotten.

Taken During  SPRING 2007 Meet




Taken June 2015

Dialup Internet

Before we all had "HI-Speed" Internet, Dialup ruled the world and getting digital images to everyone was a real challenge. Not to mention website hosters had very low data storage limits in the beginning of the internet. For a number of years, we sold Compact Discs (CDs) at the registration table and at the passenger station. The Discs had years of photos of meets and workdays. If anyone has one of the discs still, I invite you to contact us so we can determine how many survived the years and which editions still exist.

2002 Demo Edition - 5 Produced

2002 Fall Meet Edition - 65 Produced

2003 Spring Meet Edition - 125 Produced