March 6 Workday

The day was picture perfect for a workday and a large number of members came out to assist. The main focus of the workday was to continue work on the main line in the station area as well as rebuild the station yard. There were so many people doing a variety of tasks. Some were building panels, some were connection track, while others were screwing down all the ties. It was a real team effort and the results speak for themselves. At the next workday, we will complete the yard and mainline in preparation for the Spring Meet.

While most of the work crew was working near the station, Mike and Crews Bassham were hard at work fixing the grade issue between the tunnel and gauntlet bridge. They brought in multiple truck loads of gravel to correct the issue. Originally, the grade was not consistent, ranging from -0.5% to 3.75%, depending on location . This section of track has a constant 2.7% grade for the entire 290 feet.