December 12 Workday

The workday started off cold and a light rain. As more members arrived, the weather improved and the work started. The first project was to install the lead in switch to Gaddes Yard Phase 2. This yard will be identical to the yard built last year.

With one crew working on the lower loop, others went to the station area to dismantle the station yard. To our surprise and shock, club member Chuck Norman had already dismantled the entire yard days prior. This was a huge project to undertake alone, so thank you Chuck for all the hard work.

The crew then started work on taking up the track between the tunnel and the gauntlet. While the track is being replaced, there will be some leveling work done to even out the grade through this area.

Since all the projects were going so good, the crews reunited back at Gaddes yard to continue work. We were able to get more installed that day then we ever thought we could. Thank you to everyone that came out and helped.